@lukaszsupergan doesn't just wander through the mountains, he experiences them. He experiences the heights and the people. The interest in human beings, the ability to pay attention to them, are traits that are particularly evident in Łukasz. His expeditions are often an attempt to understand the structures of the world and a need to tell stories. In a self-centred society, this is something particularly valuable.
This time, he is following the whole of the Polish Sudetes and Carpathian Mountains. Over 1,000 km of walking, 31,500 meters of climbing, almost 2 months on the road. About halfway through the expedition, we managed to meet and walk together a short distance through the Silesian Beskid. We entered a fairy-tale land of bowing white trees. During the day, we trudged along the trails in downy snow waves, and at night we tried to keep our fabric houses from being buried. We met wonderful people, full of valuable thoughts and unusual desires - @karolinajonderko @waldemar_sieradzki @opowiadamyoswiecie.pl @schronisko_gorskie_soszow And all this in less than two days. It's astonishing how little can mean a lot.