To listen to the other is the greatest of gifts____ To listen to the other is the greatest of gifts____

To listen to the other is the greatest of gifts____

Bare feet in clouds of dust. Laughter echoing across the mirror of stagnant water. Youth as a spell to illuminate reality.

On a patch of dry land, people with tourmaline eyes live. They wait for the water to surrender their homes. I wait with them for a while.

To listen to the other is the greatest of gifts. To pack suitcases, to travel, to travel far into a previously unknown face of the world, to bow to the sun, to cross the river, to sit among the tents and listen, listen, listen. With delight, curiosity, horror, incomprehension and a sense of closeness.

Pakistan, 2022
Photographed by Szymon Makuch | Untold Stories Studios